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Substance Use Counseling

Addiction is a difficult and really misunderstood disease. Yes, addiction is a disease. The work necessary to help someone understand that fact and address the behaviors that go along with it, which are affecting their life at every level, is one of the most challenging, heartbreaking and rewarding parts of my job. I work with addicts to help them stop using and maintain their sobriety. I also work with their family members to increase their understanding and provide support so that they can mend relationships and be part of recovery.


One of the most helpful tools I have learned in working in the addiction field is my understanding of the ASAM criteria and how it helps put people in the right treatment and look at all dimensions of someone's life to determine where they need support and how to best support them. This is the criteria I learned and still use when I complete Substance Use Assessments for clients that may need them for their employer, lawyer or other legal purposes. I provide a comprehensive report, using evidence-based assessment tools, to make my best clinical assessment and treatment recommendation.


"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.      -Chinese Proverb


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